Euribor (Euro Interbank Offered Rate) is the rate at which euro-denominated lending is offered by one major bank to another major bank. Euribor rates are calculated on the basis of quotes provided at 12 am Finnish time by so-called panel banks operating in the euro area. In calculating the Euribor, the highest and lowest 15% of all the quotes are excluded and an unweighted average is calculated for the remaining quotes. Euribor rates are calculated for maturities from 1 week to 12 months on the basis of both act/360 day and act/365 day count conventions. Eonia (Euro OverNight Index Average) is the value-weighted average interest rate on euro area interbank overnight loans. It is reported on an act/360 day count convention. The reference rates are owned by the European Money Markets Institute (EMMI), which is responsible for the calculation methods and publication of both Eonia and Euribor. Please visit
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As of 1 November 2013 the number of Euribor rates was reduced to 8 (1-2 weeks, 1, 2, 3, 6, 9 and 12 months) by the European Banking Federation.